Marsh TD2100-TDE110

Electronic Gummed Tape Dispenser.

American made, single brush moistening with a new style guillotine type cutting blades, and tank type heater (Standard on the electronic - Optional on the manual). MSSC made several improvements over the last five years and continues to improve the performance.

TDE110 Standard ....... Keypad

3 Models: 

TDE110 Standard offers: 6", 8", 10", 12", 16", 20", 24", 28", 36", and 45" plus by pressing the "shift" key the additional lengths of 5", 18", 32", 40", 42", 48", 56", 66", 78", and 90". There are two repeat keys labeled "Repeat Short" and Repeat Long", and a "Random" key. The LCD will confirm your repeat key selections.

TDE110 Premium Short offers: 6", 8", 10", 12", 16", 20", 24", 28", 36", and 45".  There are two repeat keys labeled "Repeat Short" and Repeat Long", and a "Random" key. The "NUM LOCK" key when pressed offers any length from 05" up to 99" in 1" increments. The program key allows for setting the repeat keys with any length from 05" up to 99" in 1" increments and the LCD will confirm your repeat key selections. 

TDE110 Premium Long offers: 5", 18", 32", 40", 42", 48", 56", 66", 78", and 90". There are two repeat keys labeled "Repeat Short" and Repeat Long", and a "Random" key. The "NUM LOCK" key when pressed offers any length from 05" up to 99" in 1" increments. The program key allows for setting the repeat keys with any length from 05" up to 99" in 1" increments and the LCD will confirm your repeat key selections.


Made in USA

Click here for the owners/operator parts manual. Click here for the parts list.

MSSC also offers an indepth repair manual for the TDE. Click here.


Blade maintenance is required when using the heavier tapes and in some instances can interfere with productivity.  On the newer 2100 style machines you will need to remove the blade guard to clean and oil the blade.  On the older machines the scissor blades are held in place with only two screws, it will take approximately five minutes to remove and clean.  At Pro Pack we do not recommend spray type cleaners or spray oils on this machine due to the possibility of over spray on the moistening brush.  The blades are cleaned with a solvent type fluid (lighter fluid works great) and coated with a thin film of oil that will prevent build up of gummed materials.

With single brush moistening it is also very important to keep the brush clean weekly with soap and water.  Use of dish wash detergent works best as hand soaps can contain hand softeners which will interfere with the moistening characteristics.